Popular Press Articles
2019 Articles
Need a novel New Year's Resolution? —
Try Climate Obsession!
Principia Scientific Intl., and
Ice Age Now (2019), and
Canada Free Press (in press)

Temperatures on Mars
If you are thinking about making New Year's Resolutions to soothe your conscience, I suggest you venture from the beaten path. Pumping iron and exercising ...
Cannon Points and Christmas Bells
Canada Free Press, and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)

St. Michael Curch, Groβweingarten, Franconia
Cannon Points are typically geographic promontories on lakes, rivers, and ocean fronts that were useful for locating cannons ...
Who are the Litterbugs?
Canada Free Press, and
Ice Age Now (2019), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)

heap of garbage
The world is polluted and steadily becoming more so. The main culprit, as I see it, is not mankind’s invention of new materials ...
Rather it’s their indiscriminate applications and — most importantly — reckless disposal or release into the environment, much of that into the high seas.
High Noon — at the Cross Roads
Principia Scientific Intl, and
Canada Free Press (2019)

Statues of Pachamama; source: catholiccitizens.org
Movie star Gary Cooper (1901-1961) might find it difficult to decide what to aim for in the up-and-coming contest. There'll soon be more than ONE villain on the road ...
Trust in Thrust —
another "Perpetual Motion Machine" concept
Principia Scientific Intl, and
Canada Free Press (2019)

futuristic space craft; credit Pixabay
A "Perpetual Motion machine" (PMM) and also known as a "Perpetuum mobile," cannot exist. The idea has been around for a thousand years or longer by now but all attempts to build one have failed.
"Fridays-for-Hubraum" —
a new Friday Movement
Principia Scientific Intl, and
Canada Free Press (2019)

cars with hubraum
Fridays are rapidly getting new meanings. From TGIF, to "Fridays-for-Future" demonstrations, to the "Fridays-for-Hubraum" movement ...
The New Moose Express
Canada Free Press, and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)

moose drawing sleighs
... the Moose Express, is the northern equivalent of the famous Pony Express, a top-speed transcontinental delivery service of news between the continent's ...
Why Canada needs a CARBON BENEFIT —
not a 'CARBON TAX'
Ice Age Now (2019), and
Principia Scientific Australia (2019), and
Canada Free Press [in press]
Also translated into German by C. Frey for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2019)

taxing your CO2 emissions
Yes, you read that right, Canadians (and others) should be encouraged (tax-wise) to consume carbon-type fuel and NOT be (carbon-)taxed for that!
The Fluorine Conundrum
Canada Free Press, and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)

invasive sea-lamprey
The element fluorine (with the chemical notation "F") is in the crosshairs of many do-gooders these days. That isn't new but appears to have recently gained momentum. For example ...
Samuel de Champlain and the Courier des Bois
Canada Free Press (2019)

coureur des bois in canoe
Some folks are keen on re-writing or re-interpreting history. A while ago, in the U.S., century-old statues erected in memory and reverence of past explorers, politicians, and soldiers,
all widely renowned in the communities at their time, were "de-erected" and sent to local history-resting pounds.
16-Psyche — the Motherlode
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)

asteroid 16-Psyche; credit: WalesOnline
As reported by WalesOnline, there is a large mineral-laden rock, dubbed 16-Psyche, orbiting the sun, ready to be captured, mined, and anything else you might want to do with it.
Trashing Trash-Bags
Canada Free Press (2019), and
Ice Age Now (2019), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)

a mountain of trash
According to recent reports, Canada is going to "trash single use plastic bags" by 2021.
Bromate and Bromide — Fire and Brimstone?
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)

kitchen sink & running water
The Herts County Council in Great Britain is having a problem with "bromate" and "bromide" ions in the groundwater there ..."
The Moonatory
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019), and
Long Room (2019)

Intuitive Machines company's connections; credit: https://www.intuitivemachines.com
As reported, NASA just awarded a $78 million contract "for Intuitive Machines [a private U.S. company] to develop, launch and land its Nova-C spacecraft on the lunar surface with a payload of NASA and private experiments."
Going High
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)

near the top of Mt. Everest; credit: NBC News
Who does not like to send postcards with picture-perfect photos of tranquil beaches ... to the long-neglected relatives, friends and, perhaps, also foes?
Us Super-Mutants
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)

NASA "boarding pass"
As Fox News reports, once man (and woman, I presume) have become settled on Mars, evolution to super-mutant Marslings (or similar) is inevitable.
Historical Floods — from Philatelic Records
Canada Free Press (2019), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Ice Age Now (2019)

flood scene
Not very long ago, written communications were in the form of postal mail, like letters to your love, postcards to everyone else, and so on.
A Yew for You
Canada Free Press (2019), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)

yew berries
The yew plant (Taxus sp.) is widespread across the mid latitudes of all continents in the northern hemisphere. Some related species are also found south of the equator, like in New Zealand and Sumatra.
Glyphosate — the End of Aspirin?
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019), and
QOSHE (2019)

Aspirin label, aspirin & glyphosate structures
Long live aspirin and glyphosate!
The Age of Anomalies
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019), and
Ice Age Now (2019)

Whether it's failed rocket tests, faulty gauges or faulty computer programs, or any other problems of note, it does not matter. The correct buzz word now is anomaly.
The Dandelion Windfall
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)

dandelions seeds
For as long as I can remember, dandelion plants were THE enemy of the city neighbors all around. Any sign of their yellow flowers in the lawn or garden needed to be eradicated by all means, as soon as possible.
Ocean Power Generating Systems —
Going Nowhere Fast
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)
Also translated into German by A. Demmig for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2019)
Also translated into Italian by M. Sesler for
Attività Solare (2019)

investment quality ocean
The number of companies that hoped in vain (some still do) to harness ocean power for "free energy" is steadily increasing. One of the latest outfits not doing so well ...
The new "Landfill Site"
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)

garbage in space
Landfill sites are filling up, faster than ever, with all kinds of debris. Just about everywhere. How did it come to that?
Dowse the Fire!
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019), and
Ice Age Now (2019)

CO2-type extinguisher in action
Firefighting used to be simple. In the olden days, water was all that was needed. As of late, with high voltage (~700 V) electric vehicles that problem has been catapulted to new heights.
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Principia Scientific Australia (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)

19th century clipper, Roundup bottle
... the term "to jury-rig" means "to erect, construct, or arrange in a makeshift fashion" a temporary device to help you out in a pinch when there are no better alternatives available.
Time is of the Essence —
Even in these Varying Times
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Principia Scientific Australia (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)

timeless sky
Not only that the time is getting shorter and - if you believe it - it can now even be reversed."
Gretafication — a new Syndrome
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Principia Scientific Australia (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)
Also translated into German by C. Frey for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2019)

Climate demonstration. Photo credit: Reuters
... there is a new type of virulence afflicting the world, particularly in Europe, i.e. the "Gretafication Syndrome."
Lighting of the Future — Softly Glowing Plants
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Principia Scientific (Australia) (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)

green glowing algae
Just when lighting technology has made a quantum leap, ..., a new lighting idea appears on the (yet very far) horizon: bioluminescent (glowing) plants.
Recommendations for
5G Communication Systems Testing
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)
Also translated into Italian by M. Sesler for
Attività Solare (2019)

serious concerns
Due to the higher attenuation in the atmosphere and the expected increased communication demand, ... , the 5G system will require an ubiquitous coverage.
In practice, that means a 5G transmission tower "on every city block" or so.
5G Wireless Broadband and how (not) to Boil Eggs
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019), and
NoPaperNews (2019)

new technology
The new 5G wireless broadband technology that is said to be rolled out soon for wireless communication everywhere has some people concerned about potential health effects.
Russia may catch the North Pole ...
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019), and
Ice Age Now (2019)

quick, catch it before it before it bolts...
As Newsmax reported, the magnetic North Pole is wandering towards Siberia at an increasing speed, currently in the order of 35 miles per annum.
Punxsutawny Phil's urgent Reply to his Cousin Wiarton Willie in Canada
Canada Free Press (2019)

my cousin
... The term "Climate Change" (CC) has become the new catch-all phrase for everything that used be a common natural event. Warm or cold weather, dead calms or gales, snow, ice, rain, and, perhaps, even sunshine (??) — all are now clear signs of CC.
Good Night BONJOUR
Ice Age Now (2019), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019), and
The Australian Climate Skeptics Blog (2019)
Also translated into German by C. Frey for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2019)

Good Day!
BONJOUR, i.e. the company Téo Taxi, a new kind of taxi service in Montreal, [...] has shut down operation.
The Davosian Decades
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)

Olympic skiing here
The Intl. Monetary Fund (IMF) thinks that global growth will slow to 3.5% this year, down from 3.7% forecast a few months ago. What a disaster ...
The "Quantum Glass" Battery Hype
Canada Free Press (2019), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)
Also translated into German by C. Frey for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2019)

energy in abundance
There is a new battery type being hyped, with terms such as "Quantum Glass" battery or even "The Jesus Battery" and a claim that ...
Tired of Sardines?
Canada Free Press (2019), and
Long Room (2019)

Properly bulging can of fermented Surströmming
... then try Rollmops, Surströmming, or Sushi, especially that tuna kind of Sushi. You'll love it — until you'll see the bill!
Four Degrees Warmer!
(that wouldn't be satirical now?)
Canada Free Press (2019), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Ice Age Now (2019), and
Long Room (2019), and
QOSHE (2019)

Mr. Climate?
The climate is running away, it's hard to keep up with it. [...] The polar bears must be sweating.

Other Recent Publications by the Author
On the Formation of Atolls — Proposed Modification of Darwin's Theory
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Ice Age Now (2019)
Also translated into Italian by M. Sesler for
Attività Solare (2019)

Atolls — how they came about and why they didn't become islands.
The Carbon Cycle and Royal Society Math
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)
Other Books by the Author
of chemicals to Photobacterium phosphoreum.
KLE, Devillers J. Gordon and Breach Science Publ., ISBN:
2-88124-974-4, (1994).
in Environmental Toxicology - II.
Kaiser KLE (ed.). D.
Reidel Publ. Co., ISBN: 90-277-2555-1, (1987).
in Environmental Toxicology.
Kaiser KLE (ed.). D. Reidel
Publ. Co., ISBN: 90-277-1776-1, (1984).
Some other publications by the
Evolution of the
International Workshops on Quantitative Structure-Activity
Relationships (QSARs) in Environmental Toxicology.
& QSAR Env. Res., 18: 3-20 (2007).
Data Sources.
Chapter 2 in Predicting Chemical
Toxicity and Fate. Cronin MTD, Livingstone DJ (eds.),
CRC Press, Boca Raton, (2004).
Catalysis —
where we should apply it now!
Can. Chemical News,
ACCN, 50(7/8): 27 (1999).
Hydrogen, fuel of
the future?
Can. Chemical News, ACCN, 50(5):
29 (1999).
Erroneous Data: Avenues for Detection and
Quintessence, 1(4): 13-16 (1995).
[Contact author for reprint].